India’s $3 bn medical tourism industry and $ 15 billion pharmaceutical exports may bear the brunt of the prime minister’s international pitch for Ayushman Bharat
For a country that prides itself on being the “pharmacy of the world” and counts medical tourism among its biggest foreign exchange earners, badmouthing its doctors and pharmaceutical companies in foreign shores cannot be called prudent. When those statements come from the country’s most prominent global mascot, prime minister Narendra Modi, it is downright suicidal.
Yet, it happened on Wednesday night when speaking in front of a London audience but addressing in effect a global audience, Modi spoke in “Bharat ki Baat – Sabke Saath”, about how doctors write medicines in return for pharmaceutical company sponsored junkets to Dubai and Singapore.
Replying to an audience question in London Modi, while talking about Ayushman Bharat said: “It will lead to more than 1000 hospitals in tier I and tier II cities… but about drugs… doctors get money to prescribe them, there are these conferences that happen in Dubai and Singapore… no ailing person goes there. It is essential for pharma companies, so they do it. We have started generic drugs at a fraction of the cost thorugh Jan Ausadhalays.”
To paint the entire industry in one brush of dishonesty does not make either political or business sense. It is nobody’s case that the pharma-doctor axis does not exist.
If having two ministers who support rapists and killers of an 8-year-old girl – does not make either the PDP-BJP government of J&K or the BJP government at the Centre complicit in the heinous Kathua crime, why is it that the entire community of medical professional deserves to be abused on an international platform because of a few rotten apples?
But for the same reasons that made Modi refrain from prefixing his statement on rapes by a disclaimer that two ministers from his party rallied in support of rapists, this bit of anecdotal truth too could have been edited out. Those reasons are called prudence, dignity of the chair he holds and respect for large numbers of professionals who continue to work under very trying circumstances, even getting assaulted in the process.

If having two ministers – they have resigned since – who support rapists and killers of an 8-year-old girl – does not make either the PDP-BJP government of J&K or the BJP government at the Centre complicit in the heinous Kathua crime, why is it that the entire community of medical professional deserves to be abused on an international platform because of a few rotten apples?
What is more baffling though is why would a prime minister who is struggling to create employment back home try to take the wind out one of the few industries that is still alive and kicking. The medical tourism industry by some accounts is worth $3 billion. In 2017 an ASSOCHAM study estimated that Indian pharmaceutical exports are likely to touch $20 billion by 2020 from the current level of around $16.5 billion. To choose a global platform to say that the foundations of both industries lie on junkets to Dubai and Singapore can hardly be called statesman-like.
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I don’t see the comment is targeted for the entire doctor’s community. That too its a reply to a question and not part of his main address. That reply is also partly given here without the question. Generic medicines is a global issue not just in india. Pharma industry and fda nexus as well as pharma company and doctor nexus is there undoubtedly. This goes against consumers which is public in large. Adressing their pain is absolutely not wrong.
Because of few black sheeps, whole medical profession is under clout. But then black sheeps are present in every industry. So in a way our PM, ridiculed on us, because we are a timid group.
We at agree with you Mr. Rajendra Sing Pardeshi. Please keep visiting to get latest updates on Medical news
Why are all doctors feeling so bad isnt this true what d prime minister just mentioned isnt that true.why is the fraternity feeling tainted, doctors dont prescrbe a particular medicine a medical representative ask for and dont the doctors get obliged i myself is a doctor and this is a bitter such our country need to have freedom of speech everyone wants it if d pm says a truth everyone feeling d heat of it there are doctors who are true to there proffession and practice ethically but are all the doctors do the same atleast he as a pm has d guts to confront those who are doing wrong waiting for the day this cleansing start from the political parties also and the voice is raised there also
How can any country progress which harbours rich criminals and poor graduates.
Why our PM is targeting doctors?
Doctor is probably the only profession that nobody can live without. One and all living on this land sometime or the other has visited a doctor during his life. People who claim that they never saw a doctor in their lifetime are probably ignorant because as a child their vaccination, measles and flu was treated by their paediatrician. No other profession can boast of this innate privilege that medical profession enjoys. Lawyers, scientists, businessmen also make a lot of money and earn fame but have little opportunity to touch the life of every common man. I am sure most of the members of our group have never seen a lawyer to seek legal help. So any step taken to restrain a doctor has a huge impact touching every life. The following are the undeniable facts about medical profession.
1. All need doctors
2. Doctors make good money
3. Doctors have status in society
4. Doctors deal with the most precious thing i.e. “life”
5. Doctors have a huge potential to exploit
6. Doctors have a very large sphere of influence like pharma industry, diagnostics, devices etc
7. Doctors are perceived to have little accountability for decision making in terms of ordering tests, advising treatment etc
With monumental failure on the part of the government to fix the health care system in the country, doctor is portrayed to be at the centre of all the maladies faced by health care system of the country. Doctors are soft targets due to the following reasons:
1. They don’t form a vote bank
2. They don’t fund elections
3. It is perceived that doctors don’t pay taxes with very little contribution to national economy
4. MCI is seen as a corrupt body tarnishing the image of the entire profession
5. Little research and innovation
6. Little contribution in creating jobs (in organised sector) , in politics etc
7. They are not united
(Note: Have you ever heard of a lawyer being raided by IT department? I haven’t. All major politicians ate lawyers)
So overall the government perceives and is interested in projecting medical fraternity as people interested in filling personal coffers than really serving the society. So create a perception that the government is doing something for improving the health of the nation….. malign and insult the doctors publicly….if government can’t fix government run hospitals that’s the only thing they can do… so next time when a patient goes to a doctor he is thinking in his mind “ Our PM has taught him a lesson. Now he will give me treatment in reasonable rates”!!
That’s how elections are won… not on ground realities but by creating perceptions!!!