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Tag: cardiovascular disease risk

Personalised diet budgeting for genes, lifestyle works better in diabetes

Mayo Clinic researchers bat for personalised diet for better control of diabetes A personalised diet based on a person's genetics, microbiome and lifestyle is more...

Fruits and vegetables lower risk of early death in dialysis patients

Dialysis patients live longer if they eat more fruits and vegetables, shows a new study Consumption of 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per week...

Statins work, no matter at what age, says Lancet study

Statins reduce the risk of vascular events in older people, even those above 75 A meta-analysis has found that despite less evidence in the over...

E-cigarettes linked to higher risk of stroke, heart attack

E-cigarettes are associated with higher risk of stroke, heart attack or angina and coronary heart disease   E-cigarettes increase your odds of having a stroke, heart...

Exercise. It’s your only option to get rid of toxic belly...

Researchers say it is not always the weight or the inches that matter Scientists know that the type of fat you can measure with a...

Mediterranean diet plus milk improves heart health

Mediterranean diet supplemented with 3-4 servings of dairy products per day improves heart health New research shows that a dairy-enhanced Mediterranean diet significantly decreases cardiovascular...

Can’t fit into that dress any more? Blame it on work...

Heavy pressures at work seem to predispose women to weight gain, irrespective of whether they have received an academic education. This is shown in...

Heart health guidelines can reduce diabetes risk too

Lifestyle changes that improve heart health also reduce diabetes risk, finds study Lifestyle changes that are good for your heart can also prevent diabetes, according...

Calcium specks in artery walls could predict heart disease

Study on patients of Indian and other South Asian origin reveals calcium can predict heart disease Specks of calcium in the heart's artery walls could...

Eat more veggies, beat diabetes and heart disease, says Lancet

Study in The Lancet highlight the importance of dietary fibres in battling diabetes and heart disease   Dietary fibre could be the answer to the growing...